The Theater Department at 冰碛谷社区学院 offers a valuable base from which to launch a theater career in stage, film, 电视, 管理, 市场营销, education, 社会工作, 还有更多. Students interested in a degree in theater can begin here with transferable coursework in the 副学士学位课程.

无论你选择在舞台上表演还是在幕后工作, our courses and productions develop confidence that helps you succeed in whatever profession you choose.

On Stage

Gain experience as an actor in one-of-four stage productions yearly, as well as scene showcases through acting classes with award-winning faculty and workshops with guest artists.


A select group of students attends the Kennedy Center American Theater Festival every year.  Many of our students go on to four-year programs (often with scholarships) to prestigious theatre programs such as Illinois State University, 哥伦比亚大学, 德保罗大学, 和西伊利诺伊大学.


Get hands-on experience with costuming, props, lighting, sound, and special effects. 我们的现场车间经常雇佣学生作为工作人员.

By earning your associate in arts degree at Moraine Valley can make it more likely that you will transfer to a four-year school with junior status. Learn more about how you can complete the first two years of your college education at Moraine Valley before transferring to a four-year school to earn a bachelor's degree and further your training in Theater Arts.

Training in the Theater Arts provides a broad range of career choices: 

  • Actor
  • Agent
  • 选角导演
  • 舞蹈编排
  • Director
  • Producer
  • 生产经理
  • 编剧
  • 布景/服装/声音/灯光设计师
  • 舞台监督
  • 戏剧教授或教师

You can transfer credits from Moraine Valley's Theatre program to most four-year colleges or universities across the country. 

The college is proud to partner with four-year colleges and universities to ensure a seamless transfer experience for its students who desire to earn a bachelor’s degree. We currently have 2+ 2 agreements with Lincoln College 和西伊利诺伊大学 in addition to our always growing articulation agreements. 

View our 转移支付计划 更多的转学指南和衔接协议. 


他的学生亲切地称他为博士. 克雷格·罗森, 学术戏剧项目的协调员, 导演了许多作品,并参与了试镜. Dr. Rosen has expanded student opportunities on campus through the academic theater season, 课程设置和课外活动. He consistently hires artists from the Chicago theater community and area four-year colleges to work on the Academic Theater shows, which ultimately connects Moraine Valley students with theater professionals of all types.


  • 窈窕淑女 

  • 在阿希礼

  • No Exit 

  • 《仲夏夜之梦

  • Avenue Q 

  • 等待阿左 

  • 《天使在美国. 1 

  • Hamlet 

  • 走进森林 

  • 《安妮日记》 

  • 心之罪 

  • 以牙还牙 

  • Cabaret 

  • Harvey 

  • 《乔·艾格死亡的一天 

  • 《暴风雨》 

  • 冷藏的疯狂 

  • Betrayal 

  • 西方世界的花花公子 

  • 驯悍记 

  • 圣诞颂歌

  • 春天的觉醒

  • 玩偶之家

  • 威尼斯商人

  • Hair 

  • 我向上帝发誓 

  • 兔子洞 

  • 冬天的故事 

  • 《澳门网上真人赌博官网》,音乐剧 

  • 美国的流浪 

  • 小妇人 

  • 安东尼与克利奥帕特拉



Theater Student selected for the cast of “Midsummer Night’s Dream,在芝加哥海军码头的芝加哥莎士比亚剧院上演.

“6岁时,我想成为一名作家. 8岁时,我想成为一名电影摄影师. 12岁时,我想成为一名演员,18岁时,我想成为一名歌手. 现在我20岁了,我想做所有的事情. I couldn’t believe I made it into a professional theatrical production. 这是一种非凡的感觉.”




“我对戏剧的热爱始于冰碛谷社区学院. Alongside the several friends I made on campus, the faculty was always very supportive. Dr. Craig “Doc” Rosen and Professor Dan Scott provided me so many wonderful opportunities to hone my skills both on the stage and behind the scenes. I would not be the successful teacher and director that I am today without MVCC and will always be grateful for my time spent there."




"I knew that I wanted to major in theater but when I first came here I was a little skeptical because it was a community college. I can genuinely say that choosing to come here was one of the best decisions I have made from a professional and personal standpoint. The theater community here has helped me grow as a person and an actress."

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“Coming to Moraine Valley was one of the best decisions of my life. I'm learning so much and am gaining skills that I know will help me with my future. 我找不到比这更好的剧团了. 它展现了我内心的真实面目."




"The Theater program at Moraine Valley has made me more open to other things. 我可以表达自己,向别人展示我擅长的东西. 我的创造力可能会失控."



600个座位 多萝西·门克剧院 舞台剧场是否有可移动的乐队池. 这个剧院设计精美,音响效果极佳, 视线, 以及尖端的戏剧设备. 我们的戏剧作品在这里演出, 你可以在剧院里欣赏到一流的专业作品, dance, 全年都有音乐.


Featuring an overhead “trampoline grid” for dynamic light and sound design, 冰碛谷的灵活剧场空间有150个座位 约翰和安吉莉娜·奥雷慕斯剧院. 在这个“黑盒”设置中, 作品可以安装在舞台上, thrust, 舞台, 或者环保风格, 取决于剧本的需要和导演的眼光. 它也被用作表演和舞台艺术的教室.




康纳·帕里什(橡树草坪), shared his educational journey while on a panel for the Illinois Project Lead the Way meeting.



