冰碛谷社区学院由选举产生的 Board of Trustees 代表524区社区学院, 包括芝加哥西南郊区全部或部分26个社区. 学院的日常运作和战略任务由学院院长领导,学院院长由行政领导团队协助,行政领导团队的成员监督学院的六个部门.

President's Office

As chief executive officer, 校长对所有学术事务负有行政责任, student services, administrative, facility, 以及冰碛河谷的财政运作. The president, 向学院董事会汇报工作, 确保学院建立的最终责任是什么, 在其使命中达到并推进最高的卓越标准, goals and objectives.

PamelaHaney_Headshot (150x200)

Pamela J. Haney, Ph.D.
Office: Building D, Room D215
Phone: (708) 974-5201
Fax: (708) 974-5269

Academic Affairs

提供以学生为中心的学习环境,促进教学质量, fosters personal development, 确保获得可用的技术, 并在不断变化的全球环境中促进文化多样性. To carry out their commitment, 教务处将其资源用于创造学习既是过程又是结果的环境.

Dr. Ryen Nagle

Vice President of Academic Affairs
Ryen Nagle, Ed.D.
Office: Building D, Room D201
Phone: Phone: (708) 974-5204

Administrative Services

Provides a safe, clean, secure, 宜人的环境和所有必要的资源,使冰碛谷社区学院成为世界一流的教育提供者. Campus Operations 维护大楼和校园设施. The Police Department patrols 24/7/365. Sustainability 配合学院运作和学生学习.

Financial Affairs

Prepares the college’s annual budget, 负责学院的投资和所有其他银行活动, 准备并提交年度税单, 准备全面的年度财务报告(审计)和其他合规报告, processes biweekly payroll, pays bills (accounts payable), 并管理所有应收帐款的职能.

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财务和业务副总裁 Services/College Treasurer
Mike Cipolla, C.P.A.
Office: Building L, Room L157
Phone: (708) 974-5250
Fax: (708) 608-4196
Financial Reports

Human Resources

Human Resources 通过为教职员工提供卓越的福利和有竞争力的薪水,确保员工感到受到重视的协作和充实的工作场所. 管理人才获取和保留, oversees onboarding of new employees, 鼓励专业发展,支持健康的工作与生活平衡. 在整个机构中培养合规文化. 为所有员工营造一个友好的环境,并制定政策和程序来支持多样性, equity and inclusion initiatives.

Dr. Charmaine Sevier, ELT Headshot, 2024
Chief Human Resources Officer
Charmaine Sevier, Ed.D.
Office: Building L, Room L167
Phone: (708) 974-5704
Fax: (708) 974-8610

Information Technology Services

通过为现有和新兴技术提供创新和协作的解决方案,支持Moraine Valley的愿景和使命. The IT division provides help desk, audio visual, networking, application development, 为教师提供项目管理和技术安全服务, staff and students.


Kamlesh Sanghvi, MBA, M.S. MIS
Office: Building L, Room L141
Phone: (708) 974-5522
IT Strategic Plan

Institutional Advancement

促进和维护学院在当地的形象, regional, national, and global communities. 该部门(1)通过各种印刷和非印刷媒体提供有关大学课程和服务的高质量信息, including electronic media; (2) researches, 分析和计划社区和学生的需求, learning and other college experiences; (3) seeks alternative revenue to fund priority programs and services; and (4) builds and maintains relationships with schools, agencies, businesses, and media. 最后,该司为战略和年度规划过程提供领导.

Dr. Kianna Battle

Kiana L. Battle, Ed.D.
Office: Building D, Room D201
Phone: (708) 974-5257
Fax: (708) 974-5269

Student Development

Encourages academic, 通过提供全面和方便的服务和项目,促进和提高学生的全面发展,促进个人和职业发展. 学生发展致力于在一个不断变化和多元文化的社区促进学生的成功.


Vice President of Student Development
Normah Salleh-Barone, Ph.D.
Office: Building D, Room D201
Phone: (708) 974-5209
Fax: (708) 974-5269
Report of Accomplishments

要查看每个学院部门下的子部门和部门,请查看学院的 Organizational Chart.